Integrated Shelter and WASH assistance for recently returned TDP families to Tirrah Valley (Completed)

Background and Objectives


The 8 October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan caused the physical disappearance of land. The needs of those families who physically lost their land in the earthquake have been addressed by supporting them to acquire new land and regain the same starting position as others who were reconstructing new homes. Those families on highly hazardous lands, however, remained in limbo, ineligible to access assistance to move, and unable to rebuild or meet housing construction standards as their basic site is not safe.


The objective of the project is to support ERRA and the Revenue Department in facilitating access to safe land for families living on hazardous land, in a swift, transparent and safe manner.


The main activities include:
-Identify all beneficiaries identified, verify claims and facilitate access to land;
-Set up an expanded Land Management Information System linking registered beneficiaries to disbursements of financial assistance;
-Facilitate access to land through ‘one window’ operations;
– Develop and operationalise a grievance redress mechanism to provide possibility of appeal;
-Develop training material and train government officials/


  • 35,111 walk-in claimants registered (2,984 of them female)
  • 28,417 applicants surveyed by Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP)
  • 12,693 applicants verified by GSP as residents of High Hazardous Area, registered
  • 12,625 applicants out of 12,693 GSP verified applicants, approved after revenue record verification.
  • 1,150 applications rejected after revenue record verification
  • 12,625 families access to land facilitated (land grant) out of total 12,625 approved cases (1,316 female).
  • 3,253 grievances addressed
  • 2,000 FAQs, 10,000 posters printed and distributed, 9 radio shows conducted
  • 2,724 government officials trained
  • LIMS properly working and generating all the required reports to be used for monitoring and reporting purposes.

Development Partners / Partners

Development Partners: DFID
Partners: ERRA, GSP, Revenue Department