Indian Housing Project
Funded by: Government of India
Partners: Government of Sri Lanka, High Commission of India, UN-Habitat and displaced communities of the Northern Province
- Jaffna ( Maruthankerny, Karaveddy and Point Pedro DS Divisions)
- Killinochchi district ( Karachchi,Kandawalai and Pachchilaipalli DS Divisions)
- Mullaitivu district ( Oddusuddan, Maritimepattu and Puthukudirippu DS Divisions)
Duration: Thirty Six (36) months: Mid 2012 – Mid 2015
Project Description
The Indian Housing Project is a housing reconstruction project funded by the Government of India and implemented through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL). Four Implementing Agencies (IAs) have been selected for this project, which is being executed in the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka. UN-Habitat is one of the IAs together with the International Federation for the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in partnership with Sri Lanka Red Cross, the National Housing Development Authority (NHDA) of the Government of Sri Lanka and Habitat for Humanity. The 36 month project will be implemented from mid 2012 until mid 2015.
The specific action of this project will lead to direct housing provision through the reconstruction and repair of 43,000 houses. UN-Habitat is responsible for supporting the reconstruction or repair of 16,800 houses in the districts of Jaffna, Killinochchi and Mullaitivu.
The project will be implemented using the home owner-driven methodology. Beneficiaries will be selected through a transparent process on the basis of clearly defined and objective criteria. These beneficiaries will undertake the construction or repair of their houses with necessary technical assistance and support provided by the IAs. Funds will be released directly by the High Commission of India into bank accounts of beneficiaries based on certification of progress of work. Cash grants total Rs.550,000 to fully reconstruct a house and up to Rs. 250,000 to repair a house.
The entire Project is under full grant assistance of the Government of India with a total outlay of SLR 30.6 billion (approx. US $ 270 million).
Key Project Results (for UN-Habitat Project Component):
- 14,000 homes reconstructed
- 2,800 homes repaired
Key Project Activities:
- Beneficiary verification and selection
- Housing construction
- Training provided in basic construction, leadership (e.g. women in decision making roles)
- Providing security of tenure for home owners
- Advocating environmentally friendly construction techniques and materials