
Climate Resilient Setlement Planning and Vulnerability Assessment

Climate Resilient Setlement Planning and Vulnerability Assessment, Deh Kamanagar, Taluka Mehar,District Dadu, Sindh, Pakistan Copyright © United Na􀆟ons Human Se􀆩lements Programme (UN-Habitat) First editon 2024 Download Climate Resilient Setlement Planning and Vulnerability Assessment


Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHabitat) 2023 All rights reserved United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Download UN-Habitat Pakistan Country Report 2023

Retrofitting Guideline

The Guideline is based on the retrofit practices applied in twelve earthquake affected schools at two Districts Peshawar and Swat of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KP). The Guideline will serve as a guiding tool to undertake the retrofitting of other hazard affected buildings in various schools throughout KP Province, or elsewhere in Pakistan; and to also

Gender Mainstreaming in WASH

This publication, “Facilitator Toolkit on Gender Mainstreaming in Urban WASH”, is one of the outputs from the “Water and Sanitation Improvement in Informal Urban Settlements through Gender Mainstreaming and Capacity Building of Local Authorities Project” implemented by UN‐Habitat from 2009 to 2011. The project started with the conduct of provincial workshops on Gender Mainstreaming in

Flood Disaster Vulnerability Assessment – Jaffarabad and Naseerabad

Pakistan is vulnerable to disasters; the country has been experiencing repeated disasters with greater frequency ever since the new millennium has begun. These repeated disasters were the 􀀩loods in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, a large area and a huge population has borne the brunt of these disasters. Balochistan has had a considerable share of

Rapid Technical Assessment of Damage and needs for Housing Reconstruction in Tirrah Valley

The Technical Assessment report providing an oversight on housing typology in the affected area (Tirrah Valley) including building plans, number of storeys, wall and roof material, construction, practices particularly on the type an extent of damge to housing and settlements. It also provide information about current living condition of the returnees, number of families residing

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