Toolkit – The ERRA Experience 2005 Earthqake – Vol 2
The ERRA Rural Housing Reconstruction Programme (RHRP) Experience is part of the Toolkit developed to assist project managers and policy makers engaged in large-scale post disaster reconstruction programs make decisions about how to reconstruct housing and communities after natural disasters. The Toolkit is modelled on, and should be read in conjunction with, the safer homes, stronger communities, and is presented in 2 volumes. Volume 1 is a Guide for Managers and provides a quick introduction to the tasks and interventions required for reconstruction, using the essential lessons and learning from the 2005 earthquake, for guiding the development and management of disaster reconstruction programmes. Volume 2 presents the ERRA Rural Housing Experience in the form of an extended “case study”, the experience of the rural housing reconstruction programme undertaken by ERRA following the earthquake that struck parts of AJK and NWFP on the morning of October 8, 2005.
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